I love Powershell and I use it for many tasks such as managing AOS services and deploying AX applications. Nevertheless I rarely do much work regarding Windows servers, because there is always somebody who does that as a part of his own job. But now I’m preparing few private machines for my research and development and it’s great how management cmdlets make it easier. Just a few examples:
Rename-Computer Dev1 Install-WindowsFeature Hyper-V -IncludeManagementTools Restart-Computer
Process for Deployment using powershell commands:
1. How stop AOS using Power shell command
2. How to take Database backup using power shell command
3. How to restart AOS using power shell command
4. How to Synch data dictionary and CIL generate using power shell command
Hi goutham, you can either use standard Powershell cmdlets (e.g. Restart-Service) and startup commands in AX, or use my Powershell module: http://dev.goshoom.net/en/2011/12/module-intro/. By the way, I’m currently working on an update version, which will support axbuild, among other things (but it won’t contain any new cmdlets).