I’m preparing a talk about table inheritance in AX 2012 and I wanted to know how many hierarchies exist in standard AX. Therefore I looked for all tables with SupportsInheritance = Yes and Extends = “”. It’s more than I expected (collected in AX 2012 R3):
- AgreementHeader
- AgreementHeaderExt_RU
- AgreementHeaderHistory
- AgreementHeaderHistoryExt_RU
- AgreementLine
- AgreementLineHistory
- AifDocumentFilter
- AifEndpointActionValueMap
- AifPort
- BankLC
- BankLCLine
- CaseDetailBase
- CatProductReference
- CatUserReview
- CatVendProdCandidateAttributeValue
- CollabSiteLink
- CustInterestTransLineIdRef
- CustInvLineBillCodeCustomFieldBase
- CustInvoiceLineTemplate
- CustVendDirective_PSN
- CustVendRoutingSlip_PSN
- DIOTAdditionalInfoForNoVendor_MX
- DirPartyTable
- EcoResApplicationControl
- EcoResCategory
- EcoResInstanceValue
- EcoResProduct
- EcoResProductMasterDimensionValue
- EcoResProductVariantDimensionValue
- EcoResValue
- FBGeneralAdjustmentCode_BR
- HRPDefaultLimit
- HRPLimitAgreementException
- IntercompanyActionPolicy
- KanbanQuantityPolicyDemandPeriod
- MarkupMatchingTrans
- MCRCustCategory
- PaymCalendarRule
- PayrollPayStatementLine
- PayrollProviderTaxRegion
- PayrollTaxEngineTaxCode
- PayrollTaxEngineWorkerTaxRegion
- PCConstraint
- PCPriceElement
- PCProductConfiguration
- PCRuntimeCache
- PCTableConstraintColumnDefinition
- PCTableConstraintDefinition
- PCTemplateAttributeBinding
- RetailChannelTable
- RetailPeriodicDiscount
- RetailPeriodicDiscountLine
- RetailProductAttributesLookup
- RetailPubEcoResCategory
- RetailPubRetailChannelTable
- RetailReturnPolicyLine
- RetailTillLayoutZoneReference
- SysManagedCodeExpression
- SysManagedCodeExpressionParameter
- SysPolicyRule
- SysPolicyRuleType
- TAMFundCustCategory
- TradeNonStockedConversionLog
- TrvEnhancedData
- UserRequest
- VendRequest