Automated UI testing

This post is based on my replay in Dynamics Community forum, therefore if you read it there, you can safely move on. When I hear “automated testing” in Dynamics AX world, people almost always mean replicating what a human tester does – opening a form, clicking around and so on. It makes some sense, because …

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AX, temporary table, Unit Test and DuplicateKeyException

Why do I link AX, temporary table, unit test and DuplicateKeyException? Because if I put them together, it behaves quite strangely. I have a temporary table, I insert some data into it and in an exceptional case, when a duplicity occurs, I catch the DuplicateKeyException and simply ignore such insert. And it works correctly. The …

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AX, dočasná tabulka, Unit Test a DuplicateKeyException

Proč spojuji AX, dočasnou tabulku, jednotkový test a DuplicateKeyException? Protože když je dám dohromady, chová se to dost zvláštně. Mám dočasnou tabulku, do ní vkládám nějaká data a ve výjimečném případě, kdy se vyskytne duplicita, prostě odchytím DuplicateKeyException a daný insert jednoduše ignoruji. A to funguje správně. Problém nastane, když chci tento případ otestovat unit …

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