Why not to touch AX DB directly

I’ve been asked to reiterate some arguments against direct access to AX business data. (As you all know, the recommended approach is always going through AOS, such us calling web services.) Here are some of the arguments: You would bypass all business logic. It often means that you would have to re-implement some AX logic …

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List AOS services with colors

Here I have a little Powershell script, written mainly for demonstration purposes, nevertheless it does its job and may be useful to somebody. It connects to any number of servers, finds Dynamics AX AOS services there and shows them in green or red, depending on whether they’re running or not. $listOfComputers = ‘Server1′,’Server2’   $listOfComputers …

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VSO process customization

As you all know, you can either install Team Foundation Server (TFS) on promise, or use the cloud-hosted service called Visual Studio Online (VSO). They both offer very similar, but not exactly identical capabilities. Some features of TFS are not supported by VSO; on the other hand, VSO gets new features more rapidly than TFS …

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Local TF Build + VSO + Dynamics AX

In a recent post, I explained that you may want to use a local Team Foundation Build server with Visual Studio Online. Here I wanted to show how to install and configure it, but then I realized that it’s already covered on a few other places. Therefore I won’t repeat the same thing again and …

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