Preventing users from changing session date (AX 2012)

What if you want to prevent users from going to File > Tools > Session date and time in Dynamics AX 2012 and changing the session date? Usually, every user has access to the form, because the permission is included in System User role. If you go deeper, you’ll find SystemDate entry point in ClientEssentials …

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Deploying AX 2012 R3 on Azure

The R3 version of Dynamics AX 2012 is finally here and one of its keenly expected features is the deployment on Windows Azure. I haven’t got chance to try it yet, nevertheless I already want to share an idea about how to do it. You’ll obviously need a Windows Azure subscription. You’ll also need Microsoft …

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Creating AX users in Powershell

If you want to create a user in Dynamics AX 2012, you can simply use New-AXUser cmdlet and other User and role-based security cmdlets. It’s more difficult in AX 2009 and older versions, but you can utilize Business Connector to do the job. Below is an extended function that I wrote for AX 2009. It accepts …

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Merging concurrent changes in AX with TFS

Suppose you’re an AX developer working in an AX instance shared by few other developers. You want to do some changes that would likely cause issues to your colleagues until they’re finished, therefore you’ve created a separate instance and work there. To simplify the example, assume that you’ve changed only a single method. If nobody …

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Target date not found in work calendar

“Target date not found in work calendar” was an error that was reported to me by a customer using workflow in AX2009. It was easy to find that it was thrown by WorkflowWorkCalendarDueDateProvider.isWorkingDay() but it was far from obvious why. I tried to update the calendar in approval time limit, although it didn’t seem to …

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