Shared vs. isolated Dynamics AX environments

What is isolated environment? The isolated development environment means that every developer has his own, isolated code to work on. It also requires a separate database (different applications may have different database schema) and preferably an isolated operation system and all other needed components. Details depend on exact needs and available facilities. Axapta, now Dynamics …

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C#: Array and collection intializers

I was recently asked few questions about array and collection intializers in C#. Because it may be useful for others as well, I decided to write the answer down in this form. All information below is valid for C# in version 3.0 or higher. Arrays A single-dimensional array is normally declared and initialized this way: string[] …

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Insufficient memory to run script

In Dynamics AX, you may sometimes meet the following error message: Error executing code: Insufficient memory to run script. Information about this exception can be found in an article on Technical Support Blog but it contains some inaccuracies and doesn’t cover some aspects. In this post, I want to describe better what causes this error …

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Console output from Dynamics AX

Although Dynamics AX offers a whole range of options to call application logic (e.g. Business Connector or WCF), it’s often necessary to use the client (ax32.exe) directly from command line. That applies especially to administration and development – automated configuration, compilation, update of cross references and so on. Unfortunately ax32.exe doesn’t return any console output, …

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Quality is a process

One part of my work on all projects since I left my first employer in Dynamics AX world was to improve quality of software products. That’s not by coincidence – it’s because I want to make high-quality software and to help companies to do it. High quality is good for everybody – it has obvious …

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