In-place build script

In recent posts (here and here) I presented a PowerShell module simplifying some administrative tasks in Dynamics AX. I also promised to show its usage in builds both with and without Team Foundation Server. To use TFS Build has some advantages – e.g. for logging and result reporting, automatic creating of work items if a …

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Label IDs in Dynamics AX 2012

Dynamics AX handles text localization by using a label ID (e.g. @SYS1234) in code and metadata; the real text is looked up then based on user’s language. .NET developers may recall localization resources and satellite assemblies and it’s indeed a very similar principle. There are few changes in Dynamics AX 2012 regarding labels, mostly because …

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DynamicsAxCommunity module – Examples

The previous article described basics of the DynamicsAxCommunity PowerShell module, this post is mostly about how to use it. Common topics There are some topics you should be familiar with before you start to use the module. Configurations Functions needs to know which AX configuration is to be used. The first positional parameter expects the …

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DynamicsAxCommunity PowerShell module – Introduction

The topic for the next few posts is Dynamics AX, PowerShell and TFS, often together. I would also like to clear my “post buffer” a little in the following days… If you know my previous (Czech-only) blog you may remember some PowerShell scripts published roughly two years ago (posts tagged “PowerShell” here) and I developed …

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