modifiedField() and database consistency

In the Expense Management module, I came across – I would say – a classic error in a modifiedField() method. So it looks like it is necessary to point out this type of errors. As you probably know, the modifiedField() method is located on tables and it is called by a form (or a dataset) …

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Default data type value

Recently I needed to find out whether a guid variable contains the default value ({0000…}). Indeed, I could use a newly initialized variable or convert a string representation to guid type using str2guid(), however it is always good to hide such a logic to a separate method. I didn’t manage to find any standard method, …

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Decorator pattern and postings to general ledger

In this article, I want to use a real (albeit simplified) example to show an application of the Decorator pattern in Dynamics AX and the related refactoring. The requirement was something like this: “During the posting of an Expense Report (Expense Management module), find the maximum allowed amount, lower the transaction amount to this limit …

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Blog in Czech… and English

I run my blog Dynamics AX česky (= Dynamics AX in Czech) almost two years, however much has changed meantime, e.g. it’s long time since I’ve worked on any Czech project. Thus, firstly I’m losing touch with the Czech community (and Czech meetings, localizations etc.) and secondly I work with lots of people whose I …

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