Talk in Prague – Dynamics Technical Conference: Direction of AX

I apologize, but if you’re unfortunately enough not to speak Czech and not to live near to Prague, you probably can stop reading. Hopefully you’ll find something more useful here next time.

Others please note that I’m giving a talk about Dynamics AX in Prague on Tuesday, 24 February 2015.

On the beginning on February, another Microsoft Dynamics Technical Conference took place in Seattle, this time with more than 120 session about Dynamics AX and Dynamics CRM. In Prague, I would like to share some interesting information from this conference (e.g. about AX 7 and Lifecycle Services) and try to sketch what impact will the forthcoming changes have on usage and development of Dynamics AX in future.

The event is being held in the private room of pizzeria Kmotra, from 16:30. After the more official part, we’ll continue with informal discussion about Dynamics AX and anything related.

If you’re going to attend, please register here. Information about approximate number of attendees will help me to prepare the event. Thank you in advance.