Custom rules for Code Upgrade Tool

The Code Upgrade Tool allows you to detect patterns in X++ code and even to automatically change code. It’s especially useful for code upgrade, because you can easily upgrade legacy code. For example, CompanyInfo.CurrencyInfo field was replaced by CompanyInfo::standardCurrency() method in AX 2012. To upgrade your code, you would have to find and fix all …

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Delete order line through AIF

The following code sample shows how to delete a line of an existing sales order through AIF from outside Dynamics AX 2012 . It uses a partial update, which means that we don’t have to send the whole document back to AX. As the documentation says, we have to include just the fields to change …

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Locking in Team Foundation Version Control

If you use Team Foundation Version Control, you have several ways to control whether multiple developers can work on same objects simultaneously. You normally want that, because developers often need to change a common file (a class, a configuration file and so on) and waiting for each other would cause unnecessary delays. But it’s not …

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Table inheritance roots

I’m preparing a talk about table inheritance in AX 2012 and I wanted to know how many hierarchies exist in standard AX. Therefore I looked for all tables with SupportsInheritance = Yes and Extends = “”. It’s more than I expected (collected in AX 2012 R3): AgreementHeader AgreementHeaderExt_RU AgreementHeaderHistory AgreementHeaderHistoryExt_RU AgreementLine AgreementLineHistory AifDocumentFilter AifEndpointActionValueMap AifPort …

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