
Just a quick one to bring your attention to something what you may have missed. Microsoft released a command-line tool for Dynamics AX R2 CU 7 called AxBuild. It’s capable of compiling X++ code directly on AOS and doing it in several threads in the same some time, which has a huge effect on performance. …

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Year in number sequence (AX2012)

I’ve noticed a lot of questions in discussion forums about how to add year to a number sequence in AX2012, e.g. to generate IDs such as 2013-xxxxx and 2014-xxxxx, that would automatically use the current year. Some people understand that number sequence scopes should allow that, but they don’t know how. Fortunately it’s not only …

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Exception handling with X++ and .NET Interop

A recent discussion on the community forum about exception messages prompted me to test the given case thoroughly and I think the results are worth sharing. The post also mentions something what I already found before – that error handling can be tricky in code which uses .NET Interop and which can be executed as …

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AX2012 R2 Demo V3.0

Microsoft recently released new virtual machines with preconfigured AX2012 R2 (and a lot of other stuff): Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 Solution Demo Package V3.0. I’ve already installed the main machine and I would like to share two warnings: If you run Hyper-V 2.o (Windows Server 2008), you can’t import the virtual machine – you …

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Dynamics AX Solutions Excellence Certification Program

Update (2014-08-06): According to Microsoft, the Solutions Excellence Certification Program is currently on hold and it’s not clear whether it will be restored at all. You may have already heard about Microsoft Dynamics AX Solutions Excellence Certification Program – a new level of certifications for Dynamics AX. Microsoft already did changes to the Partner Program …

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