Memory profiling

Dynamics AX offers many ways how to call .NET code, use .NET GUI components and so on. That’s absolutely fantastic – it gives us easy ways to reuse existing .NET types and frameworks or simply to write a solution in the best fitting language. But as always: “With great power comes great responsibility”. One potential …

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Queries to tables with inheritance

Table inheritance is an interesting feature of Dynamics AX 2012 allowing to model type hierarchies in database in a way similar to object modeling. Dynamics AX allows not only to define inheritance in metadata, but it also takes it automatically into account in queries to database, in forms and so on. The problem is that …

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Team Foundation Service and Dynamics AX

Microsoft just turned status of its hosted Team Foundation Server from Preview to Released and encourages everyone to try it. It’s not the first hosted TFS, but it’s both free (with some limitations) and for commercial projects, which makes it really attractive. You can currently use it without any limitations, but the future Free Plan …

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X++ words reserved for future use

The Best Practice Check in Dynamics AX complains if you use some words as identifiers, because they may be used as keywords in future releases. For example, if you name a variable namespace, you’ll get the following Best Practice error: The name namespace will be used as a reserved word in a future release. Although …

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