Speech synthesis in .NET

Have you ever tried speech synthesis (i.e. text pronounced by computer)? It’s surprisingly easy. The following trivial example announces the current time (language: PowerShell): Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech $synthesizer = New-Object -TypeName System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer $synthesizer.Speak("It’s {0:H m}" -f (Get-Date)) You can even make voice reporting of exceptions: $nullReference.ToString() trap { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech $synthesizer = New-Object -TypeName …

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XML documentation from Dynamics AX to Word

It may also happen sometimes to you that you want to add a description of basic classes of some solution to a document. If you write XML documentation in code (and it’s a really big mistake if not), you have the description already done, you just need to get it into the target document. You …

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Few thoughts about dynamic languages

Today I visited MDCC (Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen) to attend a TechTalk named Dynamic languages for statically typed minds. The lecture was given by Niclas Nilsson and his main goal was to convince us, the developers used mainly to static-typed languages, that dynamic languages have some advantages too. Niclas didn’t go into any theory, he …

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Deleting work items in TFS

Functionality for deleting work items in Team Foundation Server is quite successfully hidden, so many people have no idea that it is possible. (That might be even good. ;)). TFS2010 Work items cannot be deleted from graphical interface, but it’s possible in the command line, more precisely by witadmin utility. In Visual Studio Command Prompt, …

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