AX2012: Service Configuration Editor

The use of Windows Communication Foundation in Dynamics AX 2012 brings (among other things) a possibility to configure services by means of XML configuration files. An example of such configuration file can be Ax32Serv.exe.config (by default in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin\) where you can set up parameters of system services hosted on AOS (including the …

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AX2012: Metadata service

Dynamics AX 2012 allows other programs to access its application metadata (like information about data types, tables, labels etc.) by WCF services. This solution has several advantages compared to an access via Business Connector (e.g. in security, configuration or when called from non-NET. applications). How to use the metadata service is described very well on …

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File code page conversion (Powershell)

Today I needed to convert few files from Windows-1250 code page to something reasonable (which means UTF-8 :)) and I decided to write a Powershell script for it. Oddly enough, I was not able to do that in “pure” Powershell – it’s because I work on US Windows (CP-1252) and I didn’t succeed in imposing …

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AX2012: Events (II)

In the previous part I showed how to place a call of some action before or after a particular method. Today’s article describes another approach to events, much closer to events in C#, for instance. Event-driven development is basically about having one part of an application raising an event (e.g. “button clicked” or “record modified”) …

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AX2012: Table relations

Today I finally got down to the New, Changed, and Deprecated Features for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 e-book and the very first topic – Table relations – forced me to explore it a bit closer. The main difference is that relations aren’t defined on data types anymore, they’re defined on tables only. Nevertheless a data …

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