AX2012: Events (I)

One of new concepts in Dynamics AX 2012 are events and event handling. It was announced in advance that it will be possible to “hang” an event handler before and after every method, so let’s take a look at what it means in practice. You can choose New Event Handler Subscription in the context menu …

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DefaultAction in lookup form

Dynamics AX 2009 allows to define an action to run when double click occurs in a form grid. The typical usage is in list pages, where a “normal” form is open on double click. The grid must be non-editable and the DefaultAction points to a button on the form (the button can be even hidden). …

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AX2012 Beta

AX2012 betaversion is finally available to download on PartnerSource and CustomerSource. As advised before, the virtual machine require Hyper-V. Updates: 13/4/2011 in the morning: I’ve successfully downloaded most of files of the virtual machine, but I’m getting an “Access Denied” error when I try to download files 1-5 and 7. I’ve reported the problem to …

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