Colored tabs in Visual Studio

Do you have many tabs in Visual Studio with designers and code editors and do you struggle to make sense of them? It’s not surprising – we often work with many things at once and some elements even have same names (e.g. VendTable table and form), which means that tabs for them look identical. Wouldn’t it …

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FormObservableLink works in data source extensions

FormObservableLink class is useful for refreshing display and edit methods in D365FO. You create an instance variable of FormObservableLink type in a form, initialize it and call its observe() method in display/edit methods that you need to refresh on demand. When the refresh is required, you call markChanged() method of FormObservableLink and the system will …

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‘is’ and ‘as’ operators with .NET types

I recently ran into an unfortunate limitation of .NET Interop from X++ (in D365FO). I wanted to check if an X++ object is of a given type, nevertheless the type used for the variable declaration was a .NET interface. Here is an example: using Microsoft.Dynamics.ApplicationSuite.FinancialManagement.Currency.Framework;   void demo(IExchangeRateProvider _provider) { if (_provider is ExchangeRateProviderCBOE) {} …

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