F&O development with multiple version control workspaces

The usual setup (documented by Microsoft) of version control for F&O is using Team Foundation Version Control and configuring the workspace mapping like this: $/MyProject/Trunk/Main/Metadata k:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory $/MyProject/Trunk/Main/Projects c:\Users\Admin123456789\Documents\Visual Studio 2019\Projects This means that PackagesLocalDirectory contains both standard packages (such as ApplicationSuite) and custom packages, i.e. your development and ISV solutions you’ve installed. This works fine …

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Acceptance Test Library

Acceptance Test Library (ATL) in F&O isn’t a new feature, but many people aren’t aware of it, therefore let me try to raise awareness a bit. ATL is used in automated tests written by developers and its purpose is to easily create test data and verify results. Here is an example of such a test: …

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I was asked to investigate why some changes disappeared from Employess form in F&O. If I open Human resources > Workers > Employees and right-click the form, it shows that its name is HcmWorker. That’s expected. But it’s a lie. There is a feature called Streamlined employee entry (HcmWorkerV2Feature class) and if it’s enabled, another form …

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Method as a parameter (in D365FO)

We usually have methods where the logic is written in code and it just receives some data in parameters. But sometimes it’s benefitial to allow the caller code to define a piece of logic by itself. For example, I can write code to filter a collection and let consumers decide what condition should be used …

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