Tisk reportu z kódu v AX2012

Jak vytisknout report z X++ a změnit nastavení tisku v AX2012? Mám pro vás konkrétní příklad – měl by vám dát dobrou představu jak na to, i pokud je váš případ je trochu jiný. SrsReportRunController controller = new SrsReportRunController(); SysUserLicenseCountRDPContract rdpContract = new SysUserLicenseCountRDPContract(); SRSPrintDestinationSettings settings;   // Určete, jaký report and design reportu se …

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Printing reports from code in AX2012

How to print a report from X++ and change print settings in AX2012? I have a concrete example for you – it should give a good idea how to do that even if your situation is a little bit different. SrsReportRunController controller = new SrsReportRunController(); SysUserLicenseCountRDPContract rdpContract = new SysUserLicenseCountRDPContract(); SRSPrintDestinationSettings settings;   // Define …

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