X++ to CIL

Dynamics AX 2012 is able to generate Common Intermediate Language from X++. That allows much more code running in Common Language Runtime and also switching between X++ runtime and CLR can be greatly reduced, both having positive impact on performance. Many developers see it as a bit of black magic, which sometimes causes avoidable difficulties. …

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AX2012 Windows 8 App Developer Starter Kit

Microsoft just launched an open-source project called Dynamics AX 2012 Windows 8 App Developer Starter Kit. As its name suggests, the project is about developing Windows 8 applications that communicate with Dynamics AX 2012. It currently contains one sample application and a guide describing its development. The sample application displays AX alerts for a given …

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Baseline model store database

In AX2012 R2, model store database has been separated from business data database. For upgrade purposes, we have one more database – baseline model store. AOS configuration in Windows registry therefore contains keys for three database servers: dbserver ModelDBServer ModelDBServer_baseline (They’re stored at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Dynamics Server\6.0\02\{config name}\.) But if you open Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Server …

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All technologies mentioned in the title – Dynamics AX, LINQ (Language Integrated Query) and WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) – are quite complex and it may sound strange to mix them together. But I want to show how they can be used to make complicated things simpler. We’ll create a simple WPF application showing data from …

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Combine XPO and corrupted files

Few days ago my night build of a Dynamics AX 2009 application stopped working correctly. Some objects were missing in the built layer, which of course caused many compilation errors. It occurred that data were correctly obtained from version control, but the Combine XPO Tool (CombineXPOs.exe) couldn’t process them. (If you’re not familiar with that, …

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