Model element types in AX2012

As you probably know, Dynamics AX 2012 stores data about application objects in database, instead of in .aod files used before. It also added few new elements to AOT – form parts, Visual Studio projects and so on. In older versions, you were able to see and query some information about AOT objects in UtilElements …

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Purpose of code reviews

Today’s post is – obviously – about code reviews. I don’t know how much are you familiar with the topic – maybe you don’t use any reviews at all, maybe you use them in a better way than I do, so I will describe my experience first. From what I’ve seen so far in Dynamics …

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Missing check-in

An opinion I encounter relatively often is that a disadvantage of isolated development environments of Dynamics AX is in the fact that if one developer forgets to include an object in version control, the application doesn’t work and doesn’t compile in other development environments. So I’ll probably surprise many people by the statement that I …

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TFS workspaces in AX2012

I originally wrote the previous article – Shared vs. isolated Dynamics AX environments – primarily as an introduction to this post and to be able to refer to it. It provoked unexpected amount of discussion – and that’s great. The comparison of both approaches should help you to choose the most suitable one and point …

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